Monthly Archives

October 2019

Graduation List

The Graduation List for the graduands under Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Public Administration and Management, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Science in Community Psychology…

1st Graduation Ceremony Announcement

The Academic Registrar Lira University with great pleasure announces that the First Graduation Ceremony of Lira University, Installation of the Chancellor and Commissioning of Lira University Teaching Hospital will be held on Friday 1st…

Cultural Gala at Campus

Cultural Gala took place on Saturday 26th October, 2019. The theme was ” Cultural Talents for Holistic Development”. The Event started at 11:00am and ended at 6:30pm. The main participants were the students of Lira University classified…

Cultural Gala is back!

Cultural gala is scheduled to take place on Saturday 26th October, 2019. The theme is " Cultural Talents for Holistic Development". The main participants are the students of Lira University classified in their ethinic groups as stated…

Student welfare

University Council members led by the Chairperson, Canon Joyce Nima handed over a wheel chair donated by Lira Regional Referral Hospital to a student, Mr. Peter Munyenye at Lira University.

Ceremonies Committee meeting

Ceremonies Committee meeting for the forthcoming 1st Graduation Ceremony at Lira University took place yesterday on 22nd October, 2019. Serious preparations are ongoing at the University actively involving the University Staff and…

Budget Conference meeting

The Budget Conference meeting was well attended by University Council members, Management and Heads of Department. Reports concerning execution of the previous budget were presented highlighting the challenges faced during execution and…