By Patrick Opio

Senior Communications Officer

This is great job done by the Lira University “hunters”, they are back home with “meat” from wild animal killed, joyous Vice Chancellor of Lira university, Prof. Jasper Ogwal Okeng comments while receiving a dummy cheque of shs15 million, laptops and other IT equipment given to the University Team for emerging the 1st runner-up in the recently concluded Ultimate University Quiz Competition-2024 organised by the Vision Group and partners.

“We shall be the best team next year….for sure are students are exposed, brilliant and updated on global current affairs,” Prof. Ogwal Okeng says.

Out of the universities that participated in the second Season of the Ultimate University Quiz whose finale took place at Vision Group headquarters in Kampala on December 12th 2024, Lira University emerged first-runner-up in the competition.

Gulu University, the overall winner, walked away with sh25m worth of equipment, a laptop for each participant and their coach, and a cash prize of sh1m. Lira University as the runners-up, received sh15m, laptops for each participant and their coach, and a cash prize of sh500,000.

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