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Auma Anna Grace

Achievements: Dip Mid, BScN, MScN- Midwifery & Women’s Health
 +256 772 354232

Ms. Auma Anna Grace is a Registered Midwife Specialist in Uganda. She works as a lecturer at Lira University, formerly started as a constituent University college of Gulu University, located in the Northern Region of the country. She holds a Diploma in Midwifery, a Bachelor degree in Nursing and a Master Degree of Nursing (midwifery and women’s health) of Makerere University. Anna is currently registered for a PhD program at University of Nairobi, Kenya. Her PhD is geared towards understanding the power of obstetric organization/ triage towards maternal and perinatal outcome. She is a skilled teacher, clinical service provider, researcher and mentor to the health care professionals in her cycle. She aspires to be an advocate for young and upcoming clinicians and researchers in the areas of sexual and reproductive health rights, safe working environment and health for all. She enjoys traveling, reading and listening to music.